
MHS Logo, a profile image of Dr. Steven Pfeiffer is displayed next to the title, “Interview with Dr. Steven Pfeiffer”

The Gifted Rating Scales™ Second Edition: An Interview with author Dr. Steven Pfeiffer

Dr. Steven Pfeiffer is the co-author of MHS’ Gifted Rating Scales™ Second Edition (GRS™ 2), and author of his latest book, Parenting from the Heart, Raising Resilient and Successful Smart Kids. We sat down with Dr. Pfeiffer to discuss his early work in psychology and his entry into the gifted field—along...

A classroom of children at their desks, listening to their teacher and writing in their notebooks.

Shining Bright: Understanding and Supporting Twice-Exceptional Youth

The true story shared below captures the ongoing journey of a remarkable boy and his parents as they navigate the complexities of growing up with a unique blend of gifts and challenges, a blend that makes him twice-exceptional. A student’s journey “My son is three, and he is a wonder. He never...

Gifted Rating Scales 2nd Edition

Gifted Rating Scales 2nd Edition Now Available!

MHS is proud and excited to announce the release of the Gifted Rating Scales™ 2nd Edition (GRS™ 2). Originally published in 2003, the Gifted Rating Scales™ (GRS™; Pfeiffer & Jarosewich, 2003) were conceptualized at a time when Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was often being used as the sole determinant of whether a...


Equity by design: How the Naglieri General Ability Test content and scoring promotes diversity and inclusion

It’s easy to recognize that gifted education programs have the power to change lives. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated that when students with high ability have access to gifted and talented services, many blossom into high-achieving adults, poised to make significant contributions to society1,2. However, the barriers to entry often include...


Navigating the transition to digital assessments

As the evolution of assessment best practices continues, the surge in professionals embracing digital assessments is driven by efficiency, accuracy, and convenience. These tools offer streamlined administration, standardized processes, and the ability to provide tailored, engaging assessments while facilitating remote services and data-driven decision-making. However, some clinicians and school psychologists are...


Unlocking potential with MHS’ Naglieri General Ability Tests

In a report from the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute at Purdue University, it’s estimated that as many as half of gifted students, some 3.6 million children in the U.S. may be missing out on gifted education. Tressa Wright previously worked with a gifted education team for a school district...


A School Psychologist’s Guide to Restoring Developmental Milestones

Rebecca Ragland is an Assessment Consultant in our Education division at MHS. As an experienced school psychologist with a background in public education, she shares her knowledge of how other school psychologists can better support students and their families in the upcoming school year. We talk about disruptions in youth...


ADHD Evaluations: Examining Impairments Beyond Symptomology

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity that interfere with functioning and development. Both the outlined criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR; APA, 2022) and the determination of educational eligibility under the...


Giving English language learners a fair shot at vocabulary testing

Fairness is at the core of the Ortiz Picture Vocabulary Acquisition Test™ (Ortiz PVAT™; Ortiz, 2018). Fairness, in the context of assessments, refers to a test’s capacity to provide reliable and valid scores for all relevant test-takers across all relevant subgroups. At MHS, we’re proud of our commitment to a...


Trust, Equity, Fairness and Bias Reduction in Assessments

Tests are gateways to opportunity. An opportunity to get mental health treatment and receive learning supports, to be selected for special academic programming. To get hired, coached, or promoted, and to guide decisions regarding risk, levels of supervision, and treatment in criminal justice settings. They are a gateway to life-changing...