Tag - GRS 2

A group of kids are sitting on the floor and writing in their notebooks.

Enhancing Resilience and Social Competency in Gifted Education

Key Takeaways: While academic performance is often seen as the primary indicator of a student's future success, resilience, and social competency are equally important. These skills help students manage stress, navigate social situations, and build strong relationships, which are critical for success in school and their future careers. Gifted students...

MHS Logo, a profile image of Dr. Steven Pfeiffer is displayed next to the title, “Interview with Dr. Steven Pfeiffer”

The Gifted Rating Scales™ Second Edition: An Interview with author Dr. Steven Pfeiffer

Dr. Steven Pfeiffer is the co-author of MHS’ Gifted Rating Scales™ Second Edition (GRS™ 2), and author of his latest book, Parenting from the Heart, Raising Resilient and Successful Smart Kids. We sat down with Dr. Pfeiffer to discuss his early work in psychology and his entry into the gifted field—along...

A classroom of children at their desks, listening to their teacher and writing in their notebooks.

Shining Bright: Understanding and Supporting Twice-Exceptional Youth

The true story shared below captures the ongoing journey of a remarkable boy and his parents as they navigate the complexities of growing up with a unique blend of gifts and challenges, a blend that makes him twice-exceptional. A student’s journey “My son is three, and he is a wonder. He never...