Tag - Depression

A school psychologist in a session with a young girl. The child is sharing information with the psychologist at a table next to a window.

Choosing the right tools: Broadband vs. Narrowband Assessments

Key Takeaways: Broadband and narrowband assessments serve distinct purposes in evaluating students' needs, strengths, and challenges. When selecting assessment tools, school psychologists should consider the purpose of the evaluation, the student's presenting challenges and strengths, and other contextual factors. Integrating both broadband and narrowband assessments provides a more thorough...


The long-term effects of COVID-19 on cognition

According to Harvard Health Publishing, “brain fog,” a term used to describe slow and sluggish thinking, has been cited as a lasting symptom post-COVID-19 infection. The highly contagious virus has been reported to affect various aspects of an individual’s cognition, including executive function. Sam Goldstein and Dr. Jack A. Naglieri’s...

A mother, father and their young child smile on the beach.

The Importance of Assessing Executive Function Across the Lifespan

Children and adults with problems related to executive functioning may struggle to organize materials, regulate emotions, set schedules, and stick with tasks. For example, they misplace papers, reports, and other school materials. They might have similar problems keeping track of their personal items or keeping their bedroom organized. Dr. Sam Goldstein...