Tag - Leadership

Personality Type and Leadership: A discussion with Dr. Roger Pearman

Despite the prevalence of personality type tests, which classify individuals into categories, identifying characteristics they either lack or possess, there is little application of the concept of personality as fluid. In his article on using mental resources, Dr. Roger Pearman shares that one of the challenges in using one's "mental...


Tackling skill gap changes through effective leadership

Have you or your company been affected by a skills gap? According to the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), a skills gap is understood as the variance between the skills employees have and the skills organizations require to maintain their competitive status. Consider a situation in which an organization...


Promoting healthy work environments and addressing mental health at work

Jennifer K. Dimoff, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa and consults with companies across North American to help solve business problems. She designs, develops, and delivers evidence-based solutions to problems related to leadership, occupational health and safety, and mental health...


How Your Flexibility To Adapt Is The Real Key To Success At Work

If you've ever been asked if you're more of a detail-oriented or a big picture person, chances are your response was something along the lines of "…it depends on the situation I'm in." There is no room for nuance with a more traditional understanding of personality. You might get told...

A woman leads a meeting in a conference room, standing in front of a screen.

Coaching leaders more effectively post-pandemic

The pandemic has taken us, our relatives, friends, and organizations through various ups and downs. In the early days of this pandemic, our focus was on adapting to new protocols and isolation and thinking it should all be over soon—a few months at most. More recently, it has morphed into...

A flock of geese in flight in the sky.

Five Lessons a Team Can Learn from Geese

A couple days ago, I was talking to a friend about burnout, teams, leadership, and self-awareness. We chatted about how we, humans, are the smartest animal in the animal kingdom, however we are at times limited when thinking of our own physical, social and mental health. One example we discussed...