Tag - Personality

A group of people sitting down at a table in an office, while two individuals greet each other with a handshake.

Welcome! Now What?  Onboarding for Success

Considerable research and effort are put into the hiring process to ensure the right people find the right jobs, and perhaps equally as much energy is spent on performance management to ensure the right people stay, grow, develop, and flourish in their jobs. It’s critically important to find, hire, and...


Exploring the History and Features of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: 2nd Edition

The evaluation of psychopathy has a rich and extensive history. Beginning with the initial reflections of trailblazing psychologists and psychiatrists, extending to Cleckley’s (1976) formulation of 16 diagnostic criteria for identifying psychopathy. No more is this history prevalent than in the work of Robert D. Hare, the author of MHS’...


Work Therapy: You don’t have to be everyone, everywhere, all at once

In this week’s episode of Work Therapy with Dr. Steven Stein, we chat with Dr. Roger Pearman, an expert in the field of personality types. Roger is also the author of MHS’ Pearman Personality Integrator, a ground-breaking tool that brings a new model of understanding and development to the field...


Personality Type and Leadership: A discussion with Dr. Roger Pearman

Despite the prevalence of personality type tests, which classify individuals into categories, identifying characteristics they either lack or possess, there is little application of the concept of personality as fluid. In his article on using mental resources, Dr. Roger Pearman shares that one of the challenges in using one's "mental...


How Your Flexibility To Adapt Is The Real Key To Success At Work

If you've ever been asked if you're more of a detail-oriented or a big picture person, chances are your response was something along the lines of "…it depends on the situation I'm in." There is no room for nuance with a more traditional understanding of personality. You might get told...