
Providing equal and appropriate mental health care to marginalized groups

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month is observed each July, bringing awareness to the unique struggles that racial and ethnic minority communities face regarding mental illness in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected many people's mental health and created new barriers for people who experience mental illness and...


Is the EQ-i 2.0® a fair assessment?

For many years, people who use tests in the talent development industry have been asking “Is this a reliable test?” and “Is this a valid test?” when deciding which tests are best to use. Recently, this discussion has expanded to include the important question of “Is this a fair test?”....


A collaborative approach to managing adolescents and preventing targeted violence

Mass shooting incidents in the United States perpetrated by adolescents have increased in recent years. Shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Oxford High School, Sandy Hook Elementary, and Buffalo, New York, represent incidents in which there were observable warning behaviors and displayed indications of unaddressed psychological and social challenges...


Equitable assessment of gifted students using the Naglieri General Ability Tests

Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at George Mason University and Senior Research Scientist at the Devereux Center for Resilient Children. Dr. Naglieri has focused his efforts on theoretical and practical issues concerning equitable assessment of intelligence, diagnosis of learning disabilities, academic interventions, and social emotional...


The future of talent acquisition is fueled by technology

In August 2021 U.S. unemployment dropped to 5.4%. Despite ongoing waves of COVID-19 and its variants, more people are expected to re-enter the workforce as governments around the world cease providing financial relief linked to the pandemic. Experts expect intense competition for talent, further exacerbating the difficulty of recruiting top-notch talent...


A review of the DSM-5-TR revisions and impact on MHS assessments

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) contains descriptions of mental disorders and other psychiatric conditions across the lifespan. The manual was developed for clinical, public health, and research purposes, and the DSM is updated regularly according to new literature and scientific advances. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual...


Build A Model For Gifted Services That Promotes Diversity And Inclusion

The interview below has been edited for length and clarity. First, I’d like to get a little bit of background on the current landscape of gifted service models. Which delivery models are most prevalent among gifted programs in the United States today? DINA: The four most popular models are: cluster grouping, enrichment...


How Your Flexibility To Adapt Is The Real Key To Success At Work

If you've ever been asked if you're more of a detail-oriented or a big picture person, chances are your response was something along the lines of "…it depends on the situation I'm in." There is no room for nuance with a more traditional understanding of personality. You might get told...


Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder with Dr. Sam Goldstein

We sat down with Dr. Sam Goldstein, co-author of MHS’ Autism Spectrum Rating Scales™ (ASRS®), to discuss challenges that can arise when diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and emerging trends within the clinical field related to ASD. The interview below has been edited for length and clarity. An ASD diagnosis can be...

A school psychologist looks on and makes notes as a student completes a puzzle

How School Psychologists Use Performance Validity Testing for Accuracy

Understanding performance validity is important any time maximum performance tests are used (e.g., tests of intelligence, aptitude, achievement, and/or neuropsychological performance). Knowing if a student has given their best effort during assessment is critical to the accuracy of test score interpretation. This need has long been recognized in adults; however,...