
Two young girls sit at their desk in a classroom with their masks on. They concentrate on their work.

Were the Conners 4 Norms Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated public health response have led to the enforcement of restrictions such as physical distancing, in-person school closures, shifts to online learning, and reductions in community and school-based services and extracurricular activities. While these measures helped control the spread of COVID-19, they were unprecedented and...

A classroom of students sit at their desk, attentively listening to their teacher.

The Unique Psychological Needs of Gifted and Talented Students

The National Association of Gifted and Talented Students (NAGC), states that students with gifts and talents perform—or have the capability to perform—at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains. However, gifted and talented students may also face unique challenges with...


Are we entering a new era of customer service?

Lockdowns, uncertainty, and extensive attention to health are things we all experienced through the pandemic, and these factors are reshaping customer behaviors. According to recent article by McKinsey & Company, one of the most important priorities of customers in the post COVID-19 era is safety. Customers are now leaning towards using...

A child sleeping in bed.

The Link Between Sleep Problems and ADHD

For students, the consequences of sleep deprivation and daytime sleepiness are especially problematic. In one study, it was reported that daytime sleepiness, sleep deprivation, and irregular sleep schedules can result in lower grade point averages, increased risk of academic failure, compromised learning, and impaired mood (Hershner & Chervin, 2014). In...

A group of students writing at their desks.

Making Assessments Fair Using the Principles of Universal Design

What is the Pediatric Performance Validity Test Suite (PdPVTS)? When a youth undergoes any kind of assessment of their cognitive skills or abilities (e.g., tests of intelligence, tests of achievement, or neuropsychological assessment), they are asked to demonstrate the upper limit of their performance. Such tests are commonly known as maximum...

A woman sits on a couch across from a practitioner. The women looks down and appears distressed.

ADHD in the Justice System: Underdiagnosed and Underserved

Individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may deal with symptoms such as inattention, disorganization, hyperactivity (often seen as restlessness in adults), and/or impulsivity. Symptoms of ADHD often continue into adulthood, causing challenges in social, academic, and professional functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). Research suggests that ADHD occurs in most cultures in...

A girl sits across from a practitioner. She looks at the practitioner, smiling.

Performance Validity Testing: Youth Assessment in Public Safety Settings

Understanding performance validity is important any time maximum performance tests are used (e.g., tests of intelligence, aptitude, achievement, and/or neuropsychological performance). Knowing if a child or adolescent has given their best effort during assessment is critical to the accuracy of test score interpretation. This need has long been recognized in...

A couch with a coffee table in front of it and plants on both sides of it.

The Sofa is Mocking Me and Other Tests of Resilience

“Summer,” for me, the word brings with it visions of long lazy days, sunshine, and splashing at the pool. Almost as soon as it starts, I also feel the existential dread that it will end too soon. This feeling is one many of my fellow educators share. Summer never seems...

A red paper cutout of a child with their hands up. The background behind the cutout is a mountain landscape. The Conners 4th Edition logo is on the right side of the image.

Conners 4th Edition is Now Available!

MHS is excited to announce the highly anticipated release of the Conners 4th Edition (Conners 4™). Conners 4 is a revision of Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3®), the world’s leading Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) assessment. This newest edition of the tool is rooted in 50 years of research on childhood and youth...