Author - Luca Della Penna

An overhead view of two individuals sitting around a table with a tablet and papers.

Succession Planning is Changing – Here’s How to Keep Up

Key Takeaways: Succession planning is vital for maintaining organizational stability and progress. Without it, the sudden departure of key decision-makers can leave a company vulnerable. By integrating data gleaned from assessments into succession planning, organizations can make more informed decisions, ensuring the promotion of individuals who are well-suited for advanced...

A group of kids are sitting on the floor and writing in their notebooks.

Enhancing Resilience and Social Competency in Gifted Education

Key Takeaways: While academic performance is often seen as the primary indicator of a student's future success, resilience, and social competency are equally important. These skills help students manage stress, navigate social situations, and build strong relationships, which are critical for success in school and their future careers. Gifted students...