Tag - Violence Prevention

A classroom full of empty desks.

Innovative Approaches to Safety: Exploring the Potential of TRAP-18

The insights presented in this blog are based on current published research. MHS disclaims the use and application of the TRAP-18 other than by qualified professionals and as intended. Further research is required to fully validate these initial research findings. Since the early 1990’s, law enforcement agencies have faced significant challenges...

A city skyline

Five Trends That Will Shape Public Safety in 2023

Coming out of 2022, public safety organizations must examine internal and external factors that could greatly affect their operations. What are the emerging trends and needs in public safety? What can organizations do to support these critical issues? Here are the five trends we predict will be significant focus areas...

A person sits on the floor of a dark hallway. They hold their head and face the floor.

Managing Adolescents and Preventing Targeted Violence

Mass shooting incidents in the United States perpetrated by adolescents have increased in recent years. Shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Oxford High School, Sandy Hook Elementary, and Buffalo, New York, represent incidents in which there were observable warning behaviors and displayed indications of unaddressed psychological and social challenges...