Tag - Naglieri General Ability Tests

A classroom of children at their desks, listening to their teacher and writing in their notebooks.

Shining Bright: Understanding and Supporting Twice-Exceptional Youth

The true story shared below captures the ongoing journey of a remarkable boy and his parents as they navigate the complexities of growing up with a unique blend of gifts and challenges, a blend that makes him twice-exceptional. A student’s journey “My son is three, and he is a wonder. He never...


Equity by design: How the Naglieri General Ability Test content and scoring promotes diversity and inclusion

It’s easy to recognize that gifted education programs have the power to change lives. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated that when students with high ability have access to gifted and talented services, many blossom into high-achieving adults, poised to make significant contributions to society1,2. However, the barriers to entry often include...


Unlocking potential with MHS’ Naglieri General Ability Tests

In a report from the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute at Purdue University, it’s estimated that as many as half of gifted students, some 3.6 million children in the U.S. may be missing out on gifted education. Tressa Wright previously worked with a gifted education team for a school district...


Providing opportunity: Finding high ability using the Naglieri General Ability Tests

In the context of giftedness assessment, tests are often the gatekeepers to opportunity. Historically, nonverbal tests were a student’s only means of demonstrating their ability while remaining largely free from knowledge acquired in an educational environment. Unfortunately, to be eligible for gifted and advanced programs, many states require proof of...

A group of children sit next to each other with their backpacks on and smile.

Equitable Identification of Gifted Students Using Local Norms

Achieving equitable representation in gifted programming of students from diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, linguistic, or socioeconomic backgrounds, or from those who have had limited or different educational experiences, is an ongoing multidimensional issue. There are several factors that must be taken into consideration when developing practices that align with equitable...

A classroom of students sit at their desk with a pencil and paper in front of them, looking up at their teacher.

Why Marginalized Groups Are Underrepresented In Gifted Programs

Students of historically marginalized groups are often underrepresented in gifted programs relative to White students, but the reasons for this underrepresentation are poorly understood. Black and Hispanic students, English Language Learners (ELL), and students from low socioeconomic groups have been, and remain, considerably underrepresented in gifted programs. These findings are widespread,...