Tag - Diversity and Inclusion

Equity by design: How the Naglieri General Ability Test content and scoring promotes diversity and inclusion

It’s easy to recognize that gifted education programs have the power to change lives. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated that when students with high ability have access to gifted and talented services, many blossom into high-achieving adults, poised to make significant contributions to society1,2. However, the barriers to entry often include...


Giving English language learners a fair shot at vocabulary testing

Fairness is at the core of the Ortiz Picture Vocabulary Acquisition Test™ (Ortiz PVAT™; Ortiz, 2018). Fairness, in the context of assessments, refers to a test’s capacity to provide reliable and valid scores for all relevant test-takers across all relevant subgroups. At MHS, we’re proud of our commitment to a...


Providing opportunity: Finding high ability using the Naglieri General Ability Tests

In the context of giftedness assessment, tests are often the gatekeepers to opportunity. Historically, nonverbal tests were a student’s only means of demonstrating their ability while remaining largely free from knowledge acquired in an educational environment. Unfortunately, to be eligible for gifted and advanced programs, many states require proof of...

A globe, zoomed in.

The Use Of Assessments Across Borders

In the current global environment in talent assessment, we are confronted with the question: can I use these tests to assess specific aspects across people in different countries or from different cultures? MHS is a digital company with worldwide reach and our assessments are ready to be administered wherever you can...