
Shaping the future of clinical and education-related assessments

Within our Education division, MHS provides the expertise and resources required to help children and adolescents reach their full potential in and beyond the classroom. We work together with our partners to identify and manage psychological and education-related concerns so all students, families, and educators can succeed. Within our Clinical division,...


Talent Development Solutions That Provide Growth And Development

Within our talent division, MHS helps to drive success in professional settings. We understand the elements of effective leadership and the requirements for an effective workplace. Our solutions help clients identify and support opportunities for development and help to cultivate their talent. Below, you'll learn more about how we're helping solve...

A man enthusiastically presents to a group of people during a corporate meeting.

The EQ-i 2.0 Is The Industry’s Leading Emotional Intelligence Test

MHS’ Emotional Quotient Inventory® (EQ-i 2.0®) is one of the world's most widely used emotional intelligence tests, with over 25 years of research and experience behind it. Emotional intelligence skills are critical for building relationships and teams, resolving conflict, solving problems, leading effectively, and building resilience. The EQ-i 2.0 provides...


Now Hiring – 3 Ways to Redefine Your Selection Strategy

Every new hire is a direct investment into your organization. Beyond the price of new salaries, the hiring process costs both time and money with many moving elements and opportunities to misstep. Résumés and interviews are traditional methods to initially screen and gauge a candidate’s qualification, but often lack valuable...

A person's hands holding a paper cutout of a group of people holding hands.

Developing Emotional Intelligence to Boost Employee Wellness

Mental wellness is defined as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.” Emotional Intelligence is defined as “a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive...

A person wearing headphones sits at a table and works remotely on their laptop.

10 Emotionally Intelligent Ways To Increase Employee Engagement

Times have changed and traditional brick and mortar businesses have been forced to adapt, bringing about major changes to how, when and where we work. With the days of “water cooler” chats and group lunches coming to a halt, workplace culture, motivation and productivity are under enormous stress to stay...


Are You Hiring The Right Skills?

Your organization recently posted an ad for a Marketing Manager position. The posting listed a variety of mandatory requirements (education, certifications, etc.) and preferred qualifications (skills, experience, etc.) that your team has identified as success indicators for the position. After an intense selection and interviewing process, the talent pool has...


Bridging the Digital Skill Gaps

COVID-19 has accelerated the speed and scale of digital transformations in the workplace. Beyond technology, teams are relearning how to leverage their soft skills in the nuanced world of remote work and adapt their activities to reinvented business models brought on by the pandemic. It’s no secret that technology has exponentially...


What To Do When Someone Fakes Good On Self-Report Assessments

Imagine you’re hiring for a senior sales position and as part of your hiring process, you have candidates take a self-report assessment to get a better feel for their sales competencies and people skills. You have the assessment results for two candidates in front of you: one candidate has many...